首頁 > 評測 > ARM中的R,一款Cortex R內(nèi)核開發(fā)板:三星ARTIK 055開發(fā)體驗

ARM中的R,一款Cortex R內(nèi)核開發(fā)板:三星ARTIK 055開發(fā)體驗

  • 作者:zhanzr
  • 來源:21ic
  • [導(dǎo)讀]
  • 三星公司的Exynos系列處理器針對IoT市場目前推出了兩款: Exynos i S111, Exynos i T200. S111是針對NB-IoT市場的, T200即本文評測的這款針對WiFi市場. 就T200而言, 無論是開發(fā)工具, 還是配套SDK的完善度, 都是比較優(yōu)秀的. 但是缺點是來的太遲了, T200這款芯片可以大約對標樂鑫的ESP32.

[2018/09/26 11:28:14:896]32768 bytes written at address 0x04040000

[2018/09/26 11:28:14:896]downloaded 32768 bytes in 0.572000s (55.944 KiB/s)

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:091]target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:092]cpsr: 0x600001d3 pc: 0x00003834

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:092]D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: disabled

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:237]Flashing D:/ARTIK/SDK/A05x/18.05.00/source/tinyara/build/configs/artik055s/bin/wlanfw.bin to 'WLAN F/W' partition at 0x04048000...

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:431]target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:431]cpsr: 0x600001d3 pc: 0x00003834

[2018/09/26 11:28:15:431]D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: disabled

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:419]524288 bytes written at address 0x04048000

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:419]downloaded 524288 bytes in 8.957982s (57.156 KiB/s)

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:626]target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:626]cpsr: 0x600001d3 pc: 0x04019240

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:626]D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:772]Flashing D:/ARTIK/SDK/A05x/18.05.00/source/tinyara/build/output/bin/tinyara_head.bin-signed to 'OS' partition at 0x040C8000...

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:957]target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:958]cpsr: 0x600001d3 pc: 0x00003834

[2018/09/26 11:28:27:958]D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: disabled

[2018/09/26 11:28:55:103]859648 bytes written at address 0x040c8000

[2018/09/26 11:28:55:103]downloaded 859648 bytes in 14.523936s (57.801 KiB/s)

Flash operation successful!

如果看到以上輸出說明開發(fā)環(huán)境的硬軟件已經(jīng)配置正確, 否則回頭看看哪里有遺漏.


這個開發(fā)工具是基于Eclipse+arm-none-eabi-gcc環(huán)境的.事實上任何可以編譯Cortex R的指令集(ARMv7r + Thumb)的編譯器都能干這活,比如Keil MDK, DS 5. 請看armcc支持的CPU列表:

$ ./armcc.exe --cpu list

The following arguments to option 'cpu' can be selected:



























































事實上Keil MDK在安裝了Legacy支持包之后確實能開發(fā)幾種Cortex R的處理器, 但是不包括T200. Keil MDK目前重心放在Cortex M系列上, 整個開發(fā)環(huán)境對Cortex R支持不完整. ARM公司建議使用DS-5來開發(fā)Cortex R的處理器. 而且現(xiàn)代嵌入式開發(fā)早就不僅僅是編譯燒寫, 還包括快速原型建立, 中間件支持, 調(diào)試, Trace等等. 所以建議還是使用三星官方整合好的ARTIK IDE來開發(fā). 感興趣的讀者可以看看ARM公司官方對于這個問題的回復(fù):



Does MDK-ARM support the ARM Cortex-R series?


MDK-ARM primarily supports the ARM Cortex-M series.

There is just a limited Legacy support of Cortex-R4 devices offered for the:


Instruments RM42Lxxx-, RM46Lxxx-, RM48Lxxx- and TMS570LSxxxx-series


ARM offers the DS-5 Development Studio for Cortex-R support.

A Debug support of Cortex-R is covered with the DSTREAM High-Performance Debug and Trace unit.

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