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[導讀] IDT公司的ZMID520x系列是電感式位置傳感器,采用線回路和渦流產(chǎn)生電感的原理來檢測導電物體在線圈上滑動或旋轉的位置,旋轉檢測全方位360度,PWM數(shù)字輸出,過壓,反相極性,ESD和短路保護

IDT公司的ZMID520x系列是電感式位置傳感器,采用線回路和渦流產(chǎn)生電感的原理來檢測導電物體在線圈上滑動或旋轉的位置,旋轉檢測全方位360度,PWM數(shù)字輸出,過壓,反相極性,ESD和短路保護,10位分辨率,滿足汽車標準AEC-Q 100, grade 0,工作溫度-40°C 到150°C,主要用在高達360度的旋轉位置傳感器如轉向角傳感器,替換電位器,小角度傳感器或弧線運動傳感器如閥門傳感器,汽車水平傳感器以及線性運動傳感器如液面?zhèn)鞲衅?本文介紹了ZMID520x系列主要特性,功能框圖,應用電路以及評估板ZMID520x EVK主要特性,主要元件分布圖,ZMID5201/02/03演示板電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖.

The ZMID520x uses the physical principles of inducTIon in a wire loop and eddy currents to detect the posiTIon of an electrically conducTIng target that is sliding or rotaTIng above a set of coils, consisting of one transmitter coil and two receiver coils.

The three coils are typically printed as copper traces on a printed circuit board (PCB). They are arranged such that the transmitter coil induces a secondary voltage in the receiver coils that depends on the position of the metallic target above the coils.

A signal representative of the target’s position over the coils is obtained by demodulating and processing the secondary voltages from the receiver coils. The target can be any kind of metal, such as aluminum, steel or a PCB with a printed copper layer.

The ZMID5202 is an inductive position sensor IC with PWM output, used for absolute rotary and linear motion sensing in automotive, industrial and consumer applications. The ZMID5202 uses the physical principles of induction in a wire loop and eddy currents to detect the position of a metallic target that is sliding or rotating above a set of coils, consisting of one transmitter coil and two receiver coils. The three coils are typically printed as copper traces on a printed circuit board (PCB). They are arranged such that the transmitter coil induces a secondary voltage in the receiver coils which depends on the position of the metallic target above the coils. After demodulating and processing the secondary voltages from the receiver coils, a signal representative of the metallic target’s position over the coils is obtained.

The ZMID5201/-02-/03 ICs are fully qualified to the automotive standard AEC-Q 100, grade 0 from -40°C up to 150°C ambient temperature.


Inductive principle

Rotation sensing up to a full turn of 360º

PWM digital output

Overvoltage, reverse polarity, ESD and short circuit protection

10-bit resolution

Power or ground loss detection

Facilitates redundant design requirements

Programmable linearity correction

Adaptive gain control supporting a wide range of coil designs

Diagnostic features supporting ISO26262

Supporting up to ASIL-B

Overvoltage and reverse polarity protection up to ±18V

Small 14-TSSOP package

The ZMID520x Evaluation Kit is designed for sensor module evaluation,

laboratory setup, and module calibration development for

the ZMID520x Family of Inductive Position Sensor ICs.

? ZMID5201: analog interface

? ZMID5202: PWM interface

? ZMID5203: SENT interface


? Rotary position sensors up to 360°; e.g. steering angle sensors, potentiometer replacement

? Small-angle sensors or arc-motion sensors; e.g. pedal, vehicle level, or valve sensors

? Linear motion sensors; e.g. linear-actuator position sensors, fluid-level sensors



? Power management: power-on-reset (POR) circuit, low drop-out (LDO) regulators for internal supplies

? Oscillator: generation of the transmit coil signal

? Analog front-end: demodulator and gain control for the receive signals

? Analog-to-digital converter (ADC): conversion into digital domain

? Digital signal processing: offset correction, conversion of sine and cosine signals into angle and magnitude, angle range adjustment, linearization, etc.

? EEPROM: nonvolatile storage of factory and user-programmable settings

? One-wire interface (OWI): programming of the chip through the output pin

? Interface options:

— Analog output for ZMID5201

— PWM output for ZMID5202

— SENT output for ZMID5203

? Protection: overvoltage, reverse polarity , short circuit protection

? Test control: factory testing; connect TEST_D and TEST_ENA pins


評估板ZMID520x EVK

The main purpose of the ZMID520x Evaluation Kit is communicationbetween the user’s computer and the ZMID520x. The computersends commands and data via its USB port to the ZMIDCommunication Board.

The microcontroller on the Communication Board interprets thesecommands and relays them to the ZMID520x located on theZMID520x Demo Board using the one-wire interface (OWI) communicationinterface.

The microcontroller also forwards data bytes from the ZMID520xback to the computer via the USB connection. These bytes canbe sensor readings, raw analog-to-digital converter (ADC) datafrom analog outputs, or ZMID520x EEPROM contents.

The ZMID520x AID EVK Application Software is a graphical userinterface (GUI) is provided online for the kit. It supports allZMID520x configurations and enables the user to intuitivelyunderstand the functionality of the ZMID520x as well asperforming measurements.

The ZMID520x Evaluation Kit is designed for sensor module evaluation,laboratory setup, and module calibration development forthe ZMID520x Family of Inductive Position Sensor ICs.

? ZMID5201: analog interface

? ZMID5202: PWM interface

? ZMID5203: SENT interface

The main purpose of the ZMID520x Evaluation Kit is communicationbetween the user’s computer and the ZMID520x. The computersends commands and data via its USB port to the ZMIDCommunication Board.

The microcontroller on the Communication Board interprets thesecommands and relays them to the ZMID520x located on theZMID520x Demo Board using the one-wire interface (OWI) communicationinterface.

The microcontroller also forwards data bytes from the ZMID520xback to the computer via the USB connection. These bytes canbe sensor readings, raw analog-to-digital converter (ADC) datafrom analog outputs, or ZMID520x EEPROM contents.

The ZMID520x AID EVK Application Software is a graphical userinterface (GUI) is provided online for the kit. It supports allZMID520x configurations and enables the user to intuitivelyunderstand the functionality of the ZMID520x as well asperforming measurements.

評估板ZMID520x EVK主要特性:

? USB “plug and play” – no driver installation needed

? Small ZMID Communication Board: 5cm ? 8cm

? One-wire communication interface (OWI) enables quick andeasy configuration and calibration of the ZMID520x using theuser’s computer

? PWM, analog or SENT reading of the output depending onproduct

? The design allows easy swapping of ZMID520x Demo Boards

? Ability to connect and evaluate an external module board

— No external power supply needed

— External module is supplied from the ZMID520x DemoBoard

評估板ZMID520x EVK包括:

? ZMID520x Demo Board with printed sensor coil

? ZMID Communication Board

? Micro-USB cable

? Kit software is available for download from the IDT web site:

圖3. 評估板ZMID520x EVK外形圖

圖4. 評估板ZMID520x EVK主要元件分布圖

圖5. ZMID520x旋轉360度演示板概述圖

圖6. ZMID5201演示板電路圖

圖7. ZMID5202演示板電路圖

圖8. ZMID5203演示板電路圖




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