long long func() { const unsigned ARRAY_SIZE = 50000; int data[ARRAY_SIZE]; const unsigned DATA_STRIDE = 256; for (unsigned c = 0; c < ARRAY_SIZE; ++c) data[c] = std::rand() % DATA_STRIDE; long long sum = 0; for (unsigned c = 0; c < ARRAY_SIZE; ++c) { if (data[c] >= 128) sum += data[c]; } return sum;}
long long func() { const unsigned ARRAY_SIZE = 50000; int data[ARRAY_SIZE]; const unsigned DATA_STRIDE = 256; int lookup[DATA_STRIDE]; for (unsigned c = 0; c < DATA_STRIDE; ++c) { lookup[c] = (c >= 128) ? c : 0; } for (unsigned c = 0; c < ARRAY_SIZE; ++c) data[c] = std::rand() % DATA_STRIDE; long long sum = 0; for (unsigned c = 0; c < ARRAY_SIZE; ++c) { sum += lookup[data[c]]; } return sum;}
void func() { if (a == 1) { ... } else if (a == 2) { ... } else if (a == 3) { ... } else if (a == 4) { ... } else { ... }}
class Number {public: friend Number operator+ (const Number& x, const Number& y); friend Number operator- (const Number& x, const Number& y); friend Number operator* (const Number& x, const Number& y); friend Number operator/ (const Number& x, const Number& y); // ...};
void f(Number x, Number y) { // ... Number sum = x + y; Number diff = x - y; Number prod = x * y; Number quot = x / y; // ...}
class Number {public: enum ReturnCode { Success, Overflow, Underflow, DivideByZero }; Number add(const Number& y, ReturnCode& rc) const; Number sub(const Number& y, ReturnCode& rc) const; Number mul(const Number& y, ReturnCode& rc) const; Number div(const Number& y, ReturnCode& rc) const; // ...}; int f(Number x, Number y){ // ... Number::ReturnCode rc; Number sum = x.add(y, rc); if (rc == Number::Overflow) { // ...code that handles overflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::Underflow) { // ...code that handles underflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::DivideByZero) { // ...code that handles divide-by-zero... return -1; } Number diff = x.sub(y, rc); if (rc == Number::Overflow) { // ...code that handles overflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::Underflow) { // ...code that handles underflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::DivideByZero) { // ...code that handles divide-by-zero... return -1; } Number prod = x.mul(y, rc); if (rc == Number::Overflow) { // ...code that handles overflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::Underflow) { // ...code that handles underflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::DivideByZero) { // ...code that handles divide-by-zero... return -1; } Number quot = x.div(y, rc); if (rc == Number::Overflow) { // ...code that handles overflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::Underflow) { // ...code that handles underflow... return -1; } else if (rc == Number::DivideByZero) { // ...code that handles divide-by-zero... return -1; } // ...}
void f(Number x, Number y){ try { // ... Number sum = x + y; Number diff = x - y; Number prod = x * y; Number quot = x / y; // ... } catch (Number::Overflow& exception) { // ...code that handles overflow... } catch (Number::Underflow& exception) { // ...code that handles underflow... } catch (Number::DivideByZero& exception) { // ...code that handles divide-by-zero... }
void func(A *a) { if (a) { ... } else { log_error(...); return; }}
void func() { if (a < 20) return; if (b > 30) return; if (c < 18) return;}
void func() { if (a < 20 || b > 30 || c < 18) return;}
enum class CalOperation { add, sub}; int NoStragegy(CalOperation ope) { if (ope == CalOperation::add) { std::cout << "this is add operation" << std::endl; } else if (ope == CalOperation::sub) { std::cout << "this is sub operation" << std::endl; } // 如何將來(lái)需要增加乘法或者除法或者其它運(yùn)算,還需要增加if-else return 0;}
class Calculation { public: Calculation() {} virtual ~Calculation() {} virtual void operation() { std::cout << "base operation" << std::endl; }}; class Add : public Calculation { void operation() override { std::cout << "this is add operation" << std::endl; }}; class Sub : public Calculation { void operation() override { std::cout << "this is sub operation" << std::endl; }}; int Stragegy() { Calculation *cal = new Add(); cal->operation(); delete cal; Calculation *cal2 = new Sub(); // 這里將來(lái)都可以用工廠模式改掉,不會(huì)違反開(kāi)放封閉原則 cal2->operation(); delete cal2; return 0;}
using std::cout; void func(int num) { if (num >= 0 && num <= 10) { cout << "0-10 \n"; } else if (num > 10 && num <= 20) { cout << "10-20 \n"; } else if (num > 20 && num <= 30) { cout << "20-30 \n"; } else if (num > 30 && num <= 40) { cout << "30-40 \n"; } else if (num > 40 && num <= 50) { cout << "40-50 \n"; } else if (num > 50 && num <= 60) { cout << "50-60 \n"; } else { cout << "not handle \n"; }} int main() { func(25); func(43); return 0;} 可以考慮改為下面的形式:
using std::cout; struct Handle { virtual void process(int num) {}}; struct Handle1 : public Handle { Handle1(Handle *processor) : processor_(processor) {} void process(int num) override { if (num >= 0 && num <= 10) { cout << "0-10 \n"; } else { processor_->process(num); } } Handle *processor_;}; struct Handle2 : public Handle { Handle2(Handle *processor) : processor_(processor) {} void process(int num) override { if (num >= 10 && num <= 20) { cout << "10-20 \n"; } else { processor_->process(num); } } Handle *processor_;}; struct Handle3 : public Handle { Handle3(Handle *processor) : processor_(processor) {} void process(int num) override { if (num >= 20 && num <= 30) { cout << "20-30 \n"; } else { cout << "not handle \n"; } } Handle *processor_;}; int main() { Handle *handle3 = new Handle3(nullptr); Handle *handle2 = new Handle2(handle3); Handle *handle1 = new Handle2(handle2); handle1->process(24); handle1->process(54); return 0;}
int func(int num) { if (num > 20) return 1; else return 0;}
int func(int num) { return num > 20 ? 1 : 0;}
int func(int num) { int ret = 0; if (num == 1) { ret = 3; } else if (num == 2) { ret = 5; } else { ret = 6; } return ret;}
int func(int num) { if (num == 1) return 3; if (num == 2) return 5; return 6;}