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[導讀]本文介紹了ZSSC3170主要特性, 方框圖和多種應用電路.

ZMDI公司的ZSSC3170是集成了LIN和PWM接口的汽車傳感器信號調(diào)理器,最大模擬增益420,并具有擴展的失調(diào)補償.器件和LIN指標1.3 / 2.0 / 2.1兼容,數(shù)據(jù)轉換速率高達430Hz,電源電壓7-18V,ADC分辨率13-14位,輸出分辨率達12位,睡眠模式的電流消耗小于100uA.本文介紹了ZSSC3170主要特性, 方框圖和多種應用電路.

ZSSC3170: Automotive Sensor Signal Conditioner with LIN and PWM Interface

The ZSSC3170 is a CMOS integrated circuit for highly accurate amplification and sensor specific correction of bridge sensor signals. Featuring a maximum analog gain of 420, as well as extended offset compensation capabilities, the ZSSC3170 is adjustable to nearly all resistive bridge sensor types.

Digital compensation of offset, sensitivity, temperature drift, and nonlinearity is accomplished via a 16-bit RISC microcontroller. Conditioning coefficients are stored in an EEPROM certified for automotive applications.

Measured values are provided by one of the digital LIN or PWM interfaces. Each interface can support end-of-line calibration using the sensor output. Noise sensitivity is greatly reduced because the calibration equipment and the ZSSC3170 are mated digitally.

For quick and easy evaluation and support for calibrating prototypes, ZMDI offers the ZSSC3170 SSC Evaluation Kit, which includes evaluation hard-ware, SSOP20 samples, and software.


Complies with LIN specifications 1.3/2.0/2.1

Configurable LIN publisher frame content

Data conversion rate of up to 430Hz fully utilizes the maximum LIN channel capacity of 20kbit/s

PWM high-side and low-side switches, support for LIN communication for end-of-line calibration

Digital compensation of offset, gain, temperature effects up to 2nd order, and nonlinearity up to 3rd order. Compensation of temperature sensor offset, gain, and nonlinearity up to 2nd order.

Internal or external temperature reference

Media temperature sensing by diode or RTD

Load dump protection of the LIN pin up to ±40V

Operating temperature range: -40 to 125Â℃

Extended operating temperature range: ≤150Â℃


±0.25% FSO @ -20 to 85Â℃

±0.50% FSO @ -40 to 125Â℃

±1.00% FSO @ -40 to 150Â℃

3 EEPROM words available for optional use data


Measurand and temperature signal available via one output pin

Compatible with nearly all resistive bridge inputs

No external trimming components required

Single-pass calibration minimizes calibration costs

End-of-line calibration using sensor output

Optimized for automotive environments with special protection circuitry, excellent electro-magnetic compatibility, and numerous diagnostic features


Supply voltage: 7 to 18V

Current consumption in Sleep Mode: ≤ 100μA Input span: 1.8 to 267 mV/V

ADC resolution: 13 to 14 bit

Output resolution: up to 12-b

Package: SSOP20 or die


圖2.ZSSC3170 LIN壓力傳感器和溫度傳感器




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