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[導讀]ADS1298集成了心電圖(ECG)前端的8路24位精度delta-sigma (ΔΣ)模/數(shù)轉換器,具有同時取樣和內置的可編增益放大器(PGA),基準電壓和振蕩器,包含了醫(yī)療心電圖(ECG)和腦電圖(EEG)所有的功能.本文介紹了ADS1298主要特性和

ADS1298集成了心電圖(ECG)前端的8路24位精度delta-sigma (ΔΣ)模/數(shù)轉換器,具有同時取樣和內置的可編增益放大器(PGA),基準電壓和振蕩器,包含了醫(yī)療心電圖(ECG)和腦電圖(EEG)所有的功能.本文介紹了ADS1298主要特性和優(yōu)勢,功能方框圖,以及每路輸入復接器方框圖,單電源連接框圖, 雙電源連接框圖與心電圖(ECG)總體方框圖.

8-Channel, 24-Bit Analog-To-Digital Converter With Integrated ECG Front End

The ADS1294/6/8 are a family of multichannel, simultaneous sampling, 24-bit, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with a built-in programmable gain amplifier (PGA), internal reference, and an onboard oscillator. The ADS1294/6/8 incorporate all of the features that are commonly required in medical electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) applications.


Simplifies design and saves board space, using up to 95 percent fewer components, by integrating all common features required for ECG and EEG front ends, including the following:

eight low-noise programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs).

eight high-resolution, simultaneous sampling analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

integrated amplifier for right-leg drive.

integrated amplifiers for Wilson Central Terminal (WCT) and Goldberger Terminals (GCT).

digital pace detection capability.

continuous lead-off detection.

onboard oscillator and reference for smaller footprint and low-power applications.

Power consumption of 1 mW/channel results in up to 95 percent less power use than discrete implementations, increasing equipment portability and improving patient mobility.

The ADS1298’s 4-uVpp (typical) input-referred noise is far superior to the limits set in IEC60601-2-27/51, for more accurate measurements in portable equipment and high channel-density, high-end ECG and EEG equipment.

Complementing the analog front end’s leading power consumption is the low-power TMS320C5505 DSP family. At less than 0.15-mW/MHz power consumption, the TMS320C5505 maximizes battery life for portable patient monitoring applications. Together with TI’s full portfolio of analog signal chain and power management solutions, these devices offer customers a complete signal chain for ECG and EEG applications to speed their time to market.


• Medical Instrumentation (ECG and EEG) including:

– Patient monitoring; Holter, event, stress, and vital signs ECG, AED, telemedicine,
fetal ECG

– Bispectral index (BIS), Evoked audio potential (EAP), Sleep study monitor

• High-Precision, Simultaneous, Multichannel Signal Acquisition



a)標準配置                           b) DAISY_IN 配置[!--empirenews.page--]





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關鍵字: 阿維塔 塞力斯 華為

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